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Registration is now closed because we have reached capacity. We are excited to meet and learn with those who registered to join us in Malaga this April.


“My servant Caleb has a different spirit.”

Numbers 14:24 NIV


During the Network Forum week, we will be looking at Biblical teachings, practical workshops, and best practices in personal support raising.
You will get to grow and cultivate MPD in your organisation in many ways, including the following workshops:

  • Creative Engagement for Teams and Organisations
    How to creatively engage your organisation or team in MPD.
  • Keeping God in the Center of Your MPD
    Methods and practices on how to keep God at the centre of MPD.
  • Finding New Partners Through Referrals
    How to help your staff find new potential partners through networking and referrals.
  • Training in My Context & Culture
    Helping participants to identify criteria to make MPD training successful in their context.
  • Not in My Culture… Initiating Cultural Change
    How to do MPD when it goes against the primary culture.
  • Onboarding New Staff
    Shaping the next generation in MPD in your organisation through the right onboarding process.
  • Celebrate and Appreciate your Ministry Partners
    Strengthening relationships with partners through celebration and appreciation.
  • Budgeting For the Vision
    How to create healthy, future-proof ministry and staff budgets.
  • Inspiring Others In Stewardship
    Growing a generous stewarding mindset in your staff so they can live it out for their partners and the next generation.
  • MPD Coaching
    Discovering the impact of good MPD coaching for the individual and organisation.
  • Getting to 100% and more funding without stress
    Bridging the “last 20% funding gap”.


For a glimpse of our week together… check out this schedule overview !

MPD, standing for Ministry Partner/Partnership Development, is a term often used by mission organisations to describe their personal support raising programmes. MPD conveys the understanding that the missionary and the supporter are equal partners in the ministry of God’s kingdom, albeit with different roles to play in a partnership relation.
For the sake of brevity and consistency, and as an expression of commitment of the Network Forum organisers to this being about more than just raising money, we will use the term MPD during the Forum.

Group Networkforum